My most worthy and proudest projects
Feel free to use any of my work but credit me somehow if possible, thank you.
I tried to select different projects of the multiple ambits that I worked in. Nonetheless, I am not even remotely close to showing all the extent of my work and portfolio. There are obviously projects which are not really worth showing or some which I like a lot but I cannot show them due to non-disclosure agreements. From all the possible projects that I can freely publish. These are the ones that reflect my abilities and skills the most. Keep in mind that some of these are just initial prototypes. Think instead about the potential that could have been achieved. You can learn more about myself in the About me section and see exactly what I am good at in the Skills section.

My portfolio has been divided in 3 areas. I highly suggest taking a look at each individually. However, if you want to only take a look at a few projects. These are my personal recommendations for each area:
You will likely notice that each project page includes more informal language. This is because in each one, I try to explain what the project was about and how the development evolved and progressed from start to finish. You will see that very often I give my personal opinions regarding my own work or software I used, even if they are good reviews or bad reviews. I inherently believe that being honest about oneself’s projects, can lead to a much greater growth than someone who does not accept flaws or criticism in their own work.