About me
Everything about me,
the story of my life
This page has been divided in different stages of my life for an easier reading experience.
Stage 0: Summary
I am passionate about the world of programming and video games who would like to combine these two passions and work professionally as a video game programmer. This passion arose in my early stages of life while living in Olost, a very small village with almost no people of my age. Therefore, most of my free time was spent playing video games.
To help me achieve this dream, I have been taking from a very young age, measures that would benefit me in pursuing my career and dreams. For example, at the age of 16, for my final secondary school research work project, I created my first video game which is published on the Internet. In addition, I have a university degree in Multimedia, Applications & Video games (EDS) from the University of Vic to further increase my chance of success. Also, whenever I have some free time, I participate in coding competitions and also develop new video games to further improve my knowledge and skills.
I enjoy innovation and all the video games I have been creating over the past years, always try to incorporate mechanics which I had not previously used to encourage me to think and devise. Unfortunately, the video game industry has been declining lately. The quality of games has dropped considerably and newer video games are simply too boring, unoriginal and repetitive as companies are more interested in making money than creating good games. Personally, I would like to modify this way of thinking as I believe it is not correct. It pains me a lot seeing the video game industry like this. My passion, will and determination that I invest in video games are unbeatable.

Some stats and traits to get me to know a little better.
- Intellectually curious individuals with a deep-seated thirst for knowledge which value creative ingenuity, straightforward rationality, and self-improvement. They consistently work toward enhancing intellectual abilities and are often driven by an intense desire to master any and every topic that piques their interest.

- Conscientious and ethical, with a strong sense of right and wrong. Always striving to improve things and doing them in the right way. Well-organized, orderly and fastidious. They try to maintain and have high standards, but can sometimes slip into being critical and perfectionistic.
- Individuals that love to learn who are usually independent, introspective, analytical, and curious, seeking to uncover the complexities of the world around them. They tend to be highly observant and often prefer to engage in solitary activities where they can think deeply and reflect.
- Strenght #1: Fairness, equity and justice
- Strenght #2: Industry, dilligence and perseverance
- Strenght #3: Judgement, critical thinking and open-mindness
- Strenght #4: Honesty, authenticity and genuineness
- Strength #5: Caution, prudence and discretion
- Explorers delight in having the game exposes its internal machinations to them. They try progressively esoteric actions in wild, out-of-the way places, looking for interesting features (ie. bugs) and figuring out how things work. The real fun comes only from discovery, and making the most complete set of maps in existence.
The goals that I would like to achieve in my life. Completed goals are mentioned in chronological order while unfulfilled ones are listed by approximate difficulty:
- Complete basic education (2014/07/06)
- Achieve B2 English level (2015/07/17)
- Create a video game (2015/09/26)
- Get a high school diploma (2016/05/24)
- Enroll at university (2016/06/28)
- Reach gold rank in League of Legends (2018/07/29)
- Get a paying job (2019/06/17)
- Obtain a university degree (2021/06/21)
- Get a programming job (2021/08/16)
- Beat Super Hexagon (2021/09/24)
- Win an award (2021/10/13)
- Get a salary increase (2023/01/24)
- Pass Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N5 (2023/03/19)
- Invest in the stock market (2023/05/08)
- Ride a horse
- Finish CS50 Introduction to Computer Science
- Release and maintain an application
- Try paintball or laser tag
- Try archery
- Get a video game programming job
- Become independent
- Try kendo or fencing
- Get a job promotion
- Go to a classical music concert
- Eat in an expensive restaurant
- Work in a renowned video game company
- Participate in the development of a AAA video game
- Appear in public media
- Become a lead programmer
- Move to another country
- Try bobsleigh
- See Aurora Borealis
- Reach Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N2
- Solve all problems in a coding competition
- Own a property
- Get invited to an important work-related event
- Get recognized by strangers
- Become a millionaire
- Join Nintendo
- Reach top 100 in a programming competition
- Live off dividends
- Hire maids or butlers
- Master C++ or C#
- Own a mansion
- Go to space
- Experience a realistic VRMMORPG
- Earn an exclusive black credit card
- Join the elite
- Travel through a black hole

Stage 1: Childhood (0 - 12 years)
Age 1 (1999)
Born on the 24th of October of 1998 in the morning at 12:20 with a weight of 3,8 kg, height of 50cm and blood type O+. O positive red blood cells are not universally compatible to all types, but are compatible to any red blood cells that are also positive (A+, B+, O+, AB+).
As a baby, I was a very hungry one. I used to eat a lot so I was kinda of chubby compared to other babies of my age. Also, I was always very well behaved, I never caused troubled and I was very passive. Basically, I ate, slept and played my favourite toy, a blue bunny plush. Surprisingly, this depicts what I do similarly nowadays. At the age of 10 months, I was able to walk so I started to become more active.
I lived in Olost in a house that probably had everything any baby and any kid could wish for. A big house with lots of space to run and play around. It even had 2 floors and a beautiful garden with a swimming pool. For some apparent reason, it seems that I really liked diving my head in the swimming pool.
Age 2 (2000)
I started going to the kindergarten in Olost when I was around 2 years. Mainly, because you could not go until you were completely dependable on walking alone. My parents bought me for Christmas a small electric truck which I loved because I could drive it and so I did most of my days.
On the 11th of September of 2000, me and my family went to Barcelona zoo and in general I had a great time. They let me ride a pony and touch some animals like goats. As a fun fact, in the zoo there was a vehicle similar to a golf cart that was used for moving around the zoo. It seems that I was paying more attention to that than all the animals.
Age 3 (2001)
At the age of three, Olost’s town hall hired some builders to paviment and asphalt the street of my home. They brought some machines like a road roller and a backhoe loader and I developed a liking to machines with that experience.
I began to express discomfort and state my own opinions of the things around me and also I started going to primary school in Olost. An interesting experience I had was that during the school Christmas show, I had to wear a barretina, a Catalan hat, and I was really uncomfortable with it. Somehow, for other people it was very amusing because I was making a lot of funny faces and my hands were most of my time on my head. During the summer of the same year, I started helping my father with some tasks involving machines like mowing the grass of the garden.
In Olost, there is the anual tradition that at least once every year it snows. In winter of 2001, it snowed quite heavily which made this my first time that I managed to play with the snow because in the other years I was still too young or it hardly snowed at all. Also, during this period, I got a liking to custards.
Age 4 (2002)
Even at the age of four, I still had my trusty blue bunny plush. I also learned how to bike without training or support wheels. I started developing my interest in video games because my older sister was playing them and there was almost no people of my age (exactly only 4) in Olost to socialize with. One of the first video games I have ever played was The Pink Panther: Passport to Peril and the now defunct social video game BoomBang even though it seems that a private of it still exists.
For my saint, which is on the 23rd of March, my parents bought me a West Highland White Terrier dog we called Popi.
Age 5 (2003)
I was forced to join my village’s football team at the age of 5 to do some physical activity and socialize with others because at this age and still nowadays I dislike physical activity and I am bad at socializing. I played as a centre-back or central defender and at the beginning I really disliked it but it brought me competitivity so in the end my opinion changed.
During carnival with the school, I dressed up as a baker. Lastly, for summer vacation, we went with my family to Andalusia and visited all the provinces and met also some distant family members where one of them gifted me a handcrafted Tic-Tac-Toe.
Age 6 (2004)
My first tooth fell out and I was really excited because here in Catalonia we have a tradition called Angelet de les dents which differs slightly from other similar traditions like the Tooth Fairy or Ratoncito Pérez. I put my tooth that night in a small blue chest under my bed cushion. The next morning, the tooth magically disappeared and I got a gift for it.
For Christmas, I got probably the best gifts I can remember of, because my parents bought me a Scalextric Pole Position. For those that do not know, it is a racing circuit with attachable cars that you use with a remote control. I also got a one thousand pieces jigsaw puzzle. I loved these presents so much that I developed a liking for racing games and puzzle solving which nowadays I still preserve.
By checking the photo albums, this is the last year I got to see a picture with my trusty blue bunny plush. Although, I still keep it safe in a box.
Age 7 (2005)
This year in particular nothing interested really happened, it was just a normal year for me.
This time for summer vacation, we went to Tenerife, a spanish volcanic island, by plane. It was my first experience flying on a plane and my parents said that I enjoyed it a lot. I really do not remember anything regarding this it at all so I will take it for granted. We stayed there for a whole week and visited most of the important locations of the island.
I met with with all the close family members during Christmas. We celebrated the anual Catalan tradition called Tió de Nadal which is a log that acts as Santa Claus but we have a physical representation of it that we hit with wooden sticks and it gifts presents to the children. After all the Christmas festivities, I got lots of interesting like my first camera, a shirt of FC Barcelona with my own name and some books to read. I do not remember exactly when I got fond of reading but I used to read a lot and I still do. Reading is kinda my passion, I find it really entertaining and fun plus you learn new words and experience amazing stories. I see no downsides at all!
Age 8 (2006)
Sadly, before the second half of the year. My dog Popi died in a car accident. I was so devastated that I did not go to school the next day.
I received the First Communion on June together with my other 2 classmates of my age (we went from 4 to 3 people of my age in Olost since one of them moved away). We previously did a photography session in Prats of Lluçanès to create a reminder of the First Communion. The ceremony was done in Olost’s church and the posterior celebration was done in the restaurant Cal Quico.
As an fun fact, Olost’s church has a very interesting story that has always been explained by the old people of the village so it is probably true. Theoretically, Olost’s church is the only medieval church that has 2 bell towers. The reason for it is that in the past, an Olost’s nobleman with a pregnant woman declared that he would built a church with a bell tower for his future children. However, he got twins so he decided to built 2 bell towers instead.
My parents as a gift for the First Communion, took me to Disneyland Paris. I had very fond memories of my time there. I still remember that my 2 favourite attractions were Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear Laser Blast. In this latter one, there was a technical problem and we got stuck on it for around 15 minutes. I managed to get one of the highest possible scores.
Age 9 (2007)
To compensate for Popi’s unfortunate death, my parents decided to buy on January a new dog. Sadly, even though I wanted to call it Crash in reference of the Crash Bandicoot games I was playing during that age. We ended up calling the dog, Nuk. Its race was a Miniature Schnauzer with a color of salt and pepper.
On June, one of my old friends of the same age celebrated his birthday and invited me with other people at Sucrepark at Vic which is like a location with lots of inflatables for kids to have fun and celebrate their birthday. There I met lots of new people and made some great summer memories with everyone.
We celebrated most of the Christmas’ holidays on my aunt’s home with my 2 cousins. The majority of the presents that I got this year where books since I was still going very hard with my book reading adventure and was not going to stop anytime soon. However, to also satisfy my video game hunger, I got a Nintendo Wii in a bundle including Wii Sports, Wii Play and Mario Kart Wii. I played a lot of online Mario Kart Wii until Nintendo decided to close their servers on the 24th of May of 2014.
Age 10 (2008)
At the beginning of the year, I joined the Facebook wagon and created my first account. I am not a social individual so I only used the account to play Facebook games. The one I spent most hours in it was Pet Society where I obviously named my pet Nuk. Unfortunately in the same year, one of my friends managed to guess my Facebook password and stole my account. I was never able to recover it until many years later when one of my friends told me the whole story. Surprisingly, this just happened because the culprit was jealous of my progress in Pet Society.
After 5 years of playing football, I was kicked out of Olost’s team because I had an argument with my coach. Not really the best thing to include in an about me section. However, I am an honest person so I am going to tell the good and the bad experiences that I have had. Everyone has a few negative experiences that has made them look bad at some point.
For summer vacation I went with my family to one of my favourite places, Rome. I liked it so much that I have already been there 3 different times.
Age 11 (2009)
This year I was doing fifth grade on the new school building that was finally built. This new one was huge and was able to hold all primary school and secondary school grades. Also, it has a very big playground and a gym acting as an auditorium.
A personal achievement I completed this year is finishing the Rayman Raving Rabbids Invade the World. A very funny figurine collection and one of the few things I decided to keep from my younger years. This year I discovered that normal things for some people could be irrevelant whereas for some other people it could become warm and exciting childhood memories.
Personally, I want to share a really nice picture I have for Sant Jordi. Where me and my classmates of the same age (this time we are 5), made a small representation of the legend.
Since my parent also liked Rome, we decided to visit during summer: Tuscany, Florence and Pisa.
Age 12 (2010)
I started wearing glasses probably because of my reading and video game passion.
Since this was my last primary school year on Olost, we celebrated it with some special events. One of them in particular which is not related at all with what I just said was The Fonix 2010. An English contest where any Catalan schools could present their candidates of fifth and sixth grade to compete against all the other Catalan schools. In Olost’s school, we made an English test to select the best candidate and it turned out to be me as the sixth grader and my distant cousin as the fifth. A few days later, we went to Barcelona to make the real test and in my case it went well. I cannot remember my ranking but I recall that I got approximately 97 points out of 120.
Following the Facebook storyline of 2008, after staying away from social media for a whole year and a few months, I returned once again to Facebook and created another account on November. I did not start playing Pet Society once again but I found other interesting games like Restaurant City. Currently as of 2020, this is still my current account but it has been inactive for some years.
Stage 2: Teenhood (13 - 19 years)
Age 13 (2011)
2011 is a special year because I finally started secondary school. However, this time on INS Castell del Quer located in Prats de Lluçanés. There I met a lot of kids of my age and similar of the surrounding villages. The change of school, education level and environment was drastic and it took me some time to adjust. Nonetheless, I kept getting good marks and be a role model student as usual.
For a short period of time, I wore contact lenses but quit very fast because they made me tired and sleepy. When I went to class, I would use contact lenses but when I returned home, I would put back my glasses.
We decided to visit London for summer because next year, the 2012 Olympic games would take place there. London is actually pretty nice and I would say that it is even prettier than Rome, but the weather sucks. During my stay at London, I used my English skills to help my parents and guide us through London.
Age 14 (2012)
To start the year, my parents and I decided to do a small karaoke. I have always liked singing so I easily agreed to it and prepared everything myself. It might be a bit weird coming from someone at the age of 14, but I do like listening to and doing opera. My favourite opera performance is Pavarotti‘s Nessun Dorma from Turandot.
At INS Castell del Quer, the students were given a laptop model Toshiba NB250 to let them get used to new technologies. As you can guess, letting a student of such age use a computer in class, nothing good will come out of it. In my case, although it was quite rare. I also joined my classmates and play some online games or similar during class. One day, while I was in math class, the teacher caught me red-handed. Even though what I did was wrong, I did not receive punishment at all because the teacher knew I was a good student with good grades in all subjects including maths and that day was also a review day. However, I got really embarrassed about it and decided to stop doing so and only play during free time.
Around this year, since now I got my own laptop, my parents bought me Minecraft. I specially liked to play the online minigame Block Party from HiveMC. Nowadays, I am not playing it anymore but I watch videos of other people playing the game or speedrunning it. Minecraft also lead me to discover one of my role models, ElRichMC. Thanks to his own efforts he finally managed to become the best Minecraft player in the world in 2020.
Age 15 (2013)
My family celebrated Christmas on my aunt’s home which was unusual since we usually did it on our home. I got more books and a Rubik’s Cube that I was eager to get but ended up as a disappointment.
The third year of Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), or Obligatory Secondary Education in English, is the hardest basic education year in Spain. That is mainly because it is the intoduction to more technical and specialized subjects such as maths, technology, biology, physics, and chemistry. I love numbers so I only had some slight problems with those subjects but I really enjoyed technology and physics. This is the point in time that I know for sure that I wanted to become a computer engineer. Previously though, before secondary school, I had an overall idea about this.
One of my friends of secondary school, introduced me to League of Legends. It was near the beginning of season 3 during the time of Thresh’s epic login screen. I played the game for 7 years and decided to drop it with my highest ranked position of Gold I. As an interesting fact, I lost my promotion to Gold V 27 times in a row. Also, I have an incredible memory where me playing as Sion top, a Malphite jungle and a Garen mid won versus a whole team. I do not remember the exact details but I guess our ADC and support went AFK but we still managed to win in a 3 vs 5. Nowadays, I only watch professional competitive games about it on Twitch.
Age 16 (2014)
Before finishing my last year of secondary school, we made an end-year-trip and visited some Italian cities. We made the trip by bus which took around 14 hours and was really boring. Since some of my classmates liked doing mischiefs a lot, I stayed awake all night during the bus trip so nobody would do me something like painting my face which was kinda usual to happen on these types of trips.
For summer we decided to go visit the surrounding of the french Provence. I hate it so much and was such an annoyance that my parents really got mad at me. Feel bad for them but they were not wrong. I still remember I made a list rating all villages we visited and most had a score lower than 4. Obviously, the scores I gave were my honest opinion while being completely impartial. That is why in some of the places, while it was a rare case, they had a good score.
Surprisingly out of nowhere, a very special event occured this year where everybody aged 16 or older, had the chance to vote for the Catalan self-determination referendum. You had to simply answer 2 questions. The first question being Do you want Catalonia to become a State?. While the second question was Do you want this State to be independent?. About 3 weeks before that was my 16th birthday so I legally could vote and this became my first voting experience.
Age 17 (2015)
Last year, Nintendo closed Mario Kart Wii online servers and I gained back lots of free time. I have not said it until now but I am a gamer that only plays 2-3 video games but extensively. Specifically at that time, the games were League of Legends and Minecraft. Consequently, in honor of Mario Kart Wii, I decided to go karting in real life at Gené Karting in Parc Vallès. The game that would fill the gap that Mario Kart Wii left me, would be Soccer Spirits for 5 years.
In Spain, once you finish secondary school you have officially finished the legal education the government offers you. Now, you have 3 choices for your future. The first one is to start working. The second one is to do a formative course. The last one is to do a baccalaureate, which would be the equivalent of high school that only lasts 2 years. I chose the last option since this is the usual path most people follow if you want to go to university, which I do. However, if you do baccalaureate, you need to select the specialization you are going to study. There are 3 different baccalaureate specializations that you can pick from which are Science and Technology, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Art. Obviously, I went for Science and Technology because I like numbers.
For summer, my older sister was going to visit Australia but ended up as her staying there for some years. The photo below is a cropped version of the one we took before the farewell with my sister. You can see on the bottom right corner a part of the Australian dollar. Also, I look both really good and really weird on this image.
Age 18 (2016)
The year where I become of legal age. We celebrated my birthday in my grandmother’s house on my father’s side, which is next to home.
I was already in the second and last year of my Science and Technology baccalaureate. Therefore, I had to prepare for Selectividad, the equivalent of the university entrance exam. I chose as my priority Informatics Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) at Barcelona which required to get a minimum score 8.5 to get accepted into. Fortunately, I managed to surpass that threshold. Once I got the results from the exam, I started looking for an apartment where I could live for my first university year. It took a few weeks and I had to make several trips to Barcelona because my mother kept refusing all the apartments I showed her. Supposedly, they were in bad shape. Even though I did not care at all as I have always led a minimalistic life style. Although, I was aware that she did it for my own well being.
As the last holidays with the whole family together, my parents planned a trip to New York City. My older sister was still in Australia but she was going to take a plane and meet us there. Unfortunately, New York City was not as beautiful as I expected, but it was still a very special occasion.
Age 19 (2017)
I dropped out from the university in UPC Barcelona at the Informatics Engineering degree after 1 year because the knowledge I was learning did not end up being really interesting nor useful for what I really wanted to do. Even though I kinda wasted a whole year I still learned a lot of important things and I do not regret it at all. Mainly, I learned how to program and also discovered how good I am at it. I was now certain that I should pursuit a career in programming or video games at least. Next year, I would enroll in the university Universitat de Vic (UVic) and start a degree in Multimedia, Applications & Video games.
During the time that I was in Barcelona, I had the pleasure of living alone in an apartment with strangers. It was a very unique experience and I loved it. I still returned home every weekend and I still remember that during the train ride which took around an hour and a half, I would always do programming on my laptop and the curious people that sit next to me or nearby would give me the looks of Wow! This boy is so dedicated to his studies.
Also, in this year I had my first professional working experience as an electrician assistant. Since I worked as an assistant for only 2 weeks, I did very basic stuff but it still was fun. Furthermore, just at the very end of the year I got my driving license acing both the theorical and practical exam with no errors.
Stage 3: Early adulthood (20 - 29 years)
Age 20 (2018)
2018 was a very normal year for me.
I started my university degree in Multimedia, Aplications & Video games at UVic. Unfortunately, I did not fit with most of my classmates because they did not care and were not taking their studies and degree seriously. I was slightly upset about this since last year in the Informatics Engineering degree at UPC Barcelona, I got such amazing classmates. This lead to me having a bad relationship with some of my classmates for the remaining of it.
My older sister came back from Australia for a small period of time and brought along Sam, her couple. Sam turned out to be very kind and friendly as I expected. I still had not met him in person and only knew him through some videos my sister sent us.
Taking advantage of the fact that my older sister returned from Australia, near the end of the year, we took a very nice picture for one of my grandmother’s. So we met up with my mother’s brother family side and the result photo is as you can see below. It is by far, one of the most beautiful and important pictures I have.
Age 21 (2019)
On 28th of April, we had Spanish elections. However, it is also the day that one of my grandmother’s died. Specifically, the one we took that family photo last year. Regarding the political election, Spain was in a very serious politic conflict at the time so there was no real winner and we had to vote again on the 29th of November. By a miracle we managed to get a winner and form the government but it was a very close call.
Unluckily, another really bad thing happened this year for me. My father almost died in a work accident. He had to go a very long and complicated surgery but managed to survive. Unfortunately, the damage was permanent and he had to retire.
This year I went karting once again but this time on Circuit Osona. I also went bowling on a new building that had been recently built on Vic called BowlingSucre. My only experience with bowling had been with the Nintendo Wii so I got destroyed and placed last. Luckily, I managed to get a strike which was the only thing I was aiming for.
Age 22 (2020)
For me, unlike most other people, 2020 was a blessing.
The academic year went through as usual but we finished the last 2 months with online cases due to Coronavirus. I managed to pass 2 subjects with honors which made me really happy. Before starting the following year, I bought new glasses with a completely different style of what I had been wearing. They remind me a lot to Hackerman and to be honest, it is one of the reasons I chose them.
Since I am an introvert, I do not enjoy social life much so COVID-19 helped me greatly. In Spain we were confined in our houses for a few weeks and we could not leave it except under very special circumstances. During this time, I saw lots of introvert memes making fun of extroverts because the lockdown did not affect introverts at all since our lives are already in self-isolation. As an introvert, this made me laugh a lot because it is completely true.
Lastly but most importantly, I started and finished my personal website. It took me around a whole month and I spent a lot of hours on it. You can read more details about the webpage on its own project page that I made. To commemorate this moment, I asked my father to take me a picture with my website so here it is.
Age 23 (2021)
2021 is the year which I believe that I became an adult.
I finished the university degree in Multimedia, Applications & Video games that I had been doing for the last 4 years. In order to obtain your university degree in Spain. You need to complete 4 requirements beforehand. Have at least an English B2 level (got my Cambridge certificate in 2015). Obviously, pass all your subjects. Do an internship in a company for 150 or 300 hours. Finally, demonstrate your knowledge and skills obtained through these years in the final degree project. In my case, I developed a 2D video game called Timeless Hero which I am very proud of.
After university ended, me and the company where I did my 300 hours internship reached an agreement. They would grant me a 2-month period to let me try and find a job as a video game programmer. They knew this was my passion as I told them from the very beginning. However, even though they promised me. You can easily imagine that I was nonetheless worried that they would not contact me back if I was unsuccessful with my job search, which I definetely was. Luckily for me, around mid of August, they called me back and I started officially working there. The company’s name was OnClick Solucions, a business which focused on design and development of websites, software and applications.
In September, I got awarded the Premi Extraordinari by UVic, the university where I had been studying, for having the best academic record within my degree promotion. Unfortunately, shortly after that, without any warnings at all. My 14 year old dog Nuk, a salt and pepper Miniature Schnauzer, got a sudden stroke and had to be sacrificed.
Age 24 (2022)
The first year where I no longer had to worry about university at all. I had finally broken one of the biggest chains of life known as education. Only to be chained by a new stronger chain called work.
The year’s beginning was amazing, since I got my hands on a metal digital watch which I had been looking for some years. I specifically wanted a metal one because they are durable and all of my previous watches got their strap broken.
During the initial half of the year, I learned regular expressions. Then, I participated in my first ever programming competition, Google Kick Start. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed the event and for the remainder of 2022. I tried attending each monthly competition that they organized. Some weeks passed and OnClick Solucions, the company where I was working on, renewed my contract. To later on, upgrade my contract once again but this time to indefinite. On April, I even became a contractor for Accenture, a major renowned and leading company in Information Technology (IT) which made me really happy.
However, after a series of good news, the bad news came. First, my blue and white parakeet, Blauet, died. I noticed that I never mentioned my parakeets. I believe that my parents bought them in 2007 and originally there were 2. Gordi, a yellow and grey parakeet, died like 5 years ago. Soon afterward, my grandmother Montserrat also died, leaving me with no more grandparents alive, and to top it off, I got COVID.
Finally, to close out the year, I started learning about investing and trading. Along with me participating in my first ever game jam, the Sogeti x Green Game Jam.
Age 25 (2023)
2023 was the year I finally started investing. After having invested for a whole year, I have quite the good results and opinion about it and I am really hooked. I even kinda of regret not starting investing at the age of 18 as some professionals suggested.
I started the year with a salary increase. However, said increase did not matter because most of the extra money went to taxes as I moved on to the next tax group. It sucks but as a citizen you have to pay your taxes so I am not really bothered by it.
Unofficially, I achieved a Japanese level of Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N5 by doing several tests and passing all of them. JLPT N5 is the lowest level you can get and it may not look like much, but learning Japanese is damn hard so I am actually very proud of this.
Google decided to end their coding competitions. What a shame, but this made me consider other more reliable websites which focus on programming like LeetCode. Somehow, I even discovered a really interesting website where you can see all the killed Google services.
I made a short comeback to League of Legends to play their new game mode called Arena. It was an excellent new and refreshing experience. I can easily say with confidence that this was one of the best moments that I have had playing the game.
In the last quarter, Unity, the creators of the popular video game engine, enraged their community with their new runtime fees policies. The backslash was so strong that the changes were reverted but the damage was already done. People started moving to other video game engines like Godot.
Age 26 (2024)
2024 was a rather special but very interesting year for me.
I created justETF Scrapper, a personal project to help me in my investing journey, which was going amazing.
- How to prepare for technical interviews through Data Structures & Algorithms (DSA)
- How to prepare for behavioural interviews by knowing how to properly answer interview questions
- How recruiting and the Human Resources department internally works
- How to write a great resume and cover letter, and customize it for any job position
- How to improve hiring chances via taking advantage of Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
In August, I began applying to job positions and set a deadline by the end of the year. During that time, I had a few interviews and I was really close in getting hired by some companies like Electronic Arts (EA). It still hurts and probably will for a few years. Unfortunately, I failed for the second time in trying to get a programming position in the video game industry (first attempt was in 2021). In the end, I got myself into a position as a mobile application developer in JCM Technologies.
To not focus this year exclusively with just work topics. I really enjoyed playing PokéRogue and had a blast with the second season of Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation.
Stage 4: Young adulthood (30 - 44 years)
I hope that by the time I reach this stage, I am already working in the video game industry. Hopefully, I might also have released at least 1 professional video game, if not more.
Age 30 (2028)
Stage 5: Middle adulthood (45 - 59 years)
I hope that by the time I reach this stage, I am already a respectable and well known individual in the video game industry. Hopefully, I may also have earned some prizes or awards myself or to the video games I have created.
Age 45 (2043)
Stage 6: Seniorhood (60 - 74 years)
The time to retire profesionally, if I have not done it yet. Hopefully, by this point I am doing well physically, mentally and financially. What is the point of retirement if you cannot enjoy it?
Age 60 (2058)
Stage 7: Elderhood (75 - ??? years)
Hopefully, I manage to reach this stage. Ideally, I would love to live up to 103 years (1998 – 2101) if I am in good condition. This is because living up to a 3 digit number is rare for the human species. Additionally, living in 3 different centuries is also another rare occurence. However, if I find myself in overall bad health or in a terrible spot like being paralyzed or in a vegetative state that rends me unable to do anything. I would rather die to be honest. I am writing this in 2024 which is a bit far away and early. Maybe there are going to be important technological discoveries that improve the average human lifespan by then.
Age 75 (2073)
Stage 8: Death (and beyond)
Death as a concept
The dilemma of death, one of philosophy most important topics, along with its opposite birth and life.
From my point of view, death is something unavoidable. Everything is going to die at some point. This includes individuals, empires, entire species, planets, stars, galaxies and even the universe itself. Sure, the heat death of the universe is going to be billions of years away from now. Additionaly, it is just an unconfirmed hypothesis but I believe that is the most likely outcome.
I find it really hard to believe that immortality is plausible but I do not really discard it. That is why I consider myself an agnostic who cannot completely deny the presence of higher beings or even different planes of existence.

My death
There is a few absolutely clear things that I have regarding my death.
I really do not care about what happens to my body after my death. Although, I would like to have at least a memorial or a gravestone with the following message. This quote in a haiku format has a very special meaning for me.

In the case that I get a funeral, I would like for this song to be played at.
Finally, I highly doubt that I will ever have any children because I am not really interested in them. However, if that does not turn out to be the case. I would like for my descendants to receive a generous amount of my inheritance. An amount that can help them for a few years but it is not going to suffice for the rest of their lifes because I want them to work hard and succeed.
For the rest of my heritage, I really do not know what the future is going to look like since I am writing this in 2024 at the age of 26. Just make my whole patrimony useful to society. Everything means everything, including all bank accounts, properties, businesses, etc.. Once I am dead, I am not going to need anything.

Obviously, this is my personal belief but I think that there is no afterlife. Once something dies, it returns to the nothingness, the void. However, I really hope that I am wrong. I would love to speak with famous dead people that helped building the world and evolve humanity. Maybe I could even also meet with aliens. Additionaly, I wish that clearly evil and good people deserve their eternal suffering or blessing respectively. Otherwise, so many evil people would never be punished for their actions.
- Reincarnate with the memories of your past life
- Reincarnate without the memories of your past life
To end this page and section, here is a fitting closing quote.