
Coronavirus – Cover


It is finally here! However, this Coronavirus in particular is a multiplatform native application that shows useful data regarding the situation on most countries in the world.

  • Language: English
  • Public website: No
  • Release date: May 15, 2020
  • Development time: 2 Weeks
  • Tools: Visual Studio Code, Ionic, Capacitor, Electron
  • Author: Oriol Serrabassa
  • Operating systems: Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
  • Website purpose: Provide interesting data about each country and worldwide

Additional information

I do not want to be rude towards my own projects but until now they did not prove to be useful for the society at all. However, this changes right now with Coronavirus because it is a helpful and an easy to use app where just in a few minutes you can learn about how a certain country or the world is faring in the battle against this virus. You can also check day by day how the situation unfolds and see if it is improving or not. However, the situation is keep getting worse and people do not seem to be aware of how dangerous and deadly Coronavirus really seems to be and this application should be perfect to spread awareness about it. In Overall, this application is very completed meaning that it provides with the most essential data.

On the day that I made this web (28th of October of 2020), surprisingly I discovered that the Ranking tab does not work anymore. The reason of this seems to be because the API I use, now has limited the rate of connections a free user can do. Basically, I need to purchase a premium version for the Ranking tab to work once again. Luckily, I have some recorded videos of the application before this happened where you can see how this tab used to look like. So, if anyone wants to contribute in this project in any like officially publishing it or buying me the subscription, let me know. Also, if you have any good ideas on how to improve this project and lead it even further beyond, do not doubt in contacting me.

Coronavirus - Error


There are no instructions because your best bet is to get more information from Ionic documentation.

I do not have the executable for iOS but you can easily create one if you have a Mac:

  1. Download and install Xcode
  2. Open Xcode
  3. Open project
  4. Browse to the project’s folder
  5. Enter ios folder and then App
  6. Select App.xcodeproj

These are not the exact steps since I do not own a Mac and I recalled by memory but the process should be similar to what I said.


Coronavirus (458 MB)


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Similar to my project Harry Potter API, I am specifically posting videos to show that the app works on all platforms. Once again you can observe slight differences between operating systems because when making a native application some things will need to be adapted for them to be used in said operating system. I developed Coronavirus using my Windows laptop so the official looks of the application is this one.






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