Rewildly is a relaxing clicker video game about nature preservation in which the player has to plant grass and different flora in a dead plot of lant in order to rewild it.
- Language: English
- Number of players: 1 Player
- Release date: June 12, 2022
- Development time: 2 Days
- Game engine: Unity
- Authors:
- Lily Bickerstaffe, designer
- Oriol Serrabassa, programmer
- Goal: Rewild the deserted plot of land
- Controls: It is a clicker game, so just click
Additional information
This is my first ever video game jam submission. Since Rewildly was developed by 2 people in 2 days, it does not have much depth to it. If you want to read more about Sogeti Green x Game Jam, the video game jam that I participated in. I have written a blog post explaining my overall experience with the event.
There is not much to explain other than the building mode took half of the development time. Timeless Hero, my previous project, was the first time that I had to deal with tilemaps even if it was to a relatively low level. Nonetheless, in that game, I only had to create the tilemaps and update just some tiles that I always already knew beforehand. What I had to go through with Rewildly is not comparable at all, since I had multiple interactive and dynamic tilemaps that I needed to keep track and update.
Even though it may not sound much complex, the complete building mode could be roughly summarized to the following:
- Check if we are in either building or deconstruction mode
- Look if each tile from the plot of land meets the specified requirements
- Paint each tile with either the color green or red if requirements are met or not
- Make the tilemaps interactive and detect which tiles the player is clicking
- Highlight the currently selected tile to provide visual feedback to the user
- Play a fitting sound whenever the player clicks on each type of tile
- Increase or decrease the amounts of nature points gained by each new click
- Update the tilemaps to reflect whatever choice the user has decided to take
- Return the tilemaps to their original state while keeping any new modifications
- Depending on the action taken, instantiate a particle system prefab over the updated tile
In order to directly play the game, you can download the Windows files. However, if you want to try using the developer version of the game which includes the entire Unity project. You are going to have to complete all the following additional steps.
- Download Rewildly and then download and install Unity Hub
- Go to https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive
- Find Unity 2021.3.4f1 and click on Unity Hub
- Complete the installation process
- Open Unity Hub
- Move to the Projects section on the left sidebar
- Click Add and afterwards select the folder inside of the project
- Open the project

Rewildly.zip (630 MB)
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This is a feature still in development that I am currently working on. It allows visitors, such as you, to be able to play my Unity games without the need to download them. It is a very handy feature but it is not completed yet. My plan before the end of 2023, is to make all my games playable from this website. As long as they do not have any software limitation that makes this impossible like VR games.
Here there is a two and a half minute long video where I explain what this game is about. Meanwhile, I am also playing and showcasing the different game mechanics and aesthetics that Rewildly has.