My personal web. oriolserrabassa.com is my own website where I talk about myself and show some of my work.
Additional information
I had previously talked about my website in some of my Blog posts. However, I thought that since this is a formal project, I should create a project page like all my other projects so here we are.
To begin with, the first thing I had to do to with this project was to choose a hosting and buy a domain’s name. Surprisingly, that simple task took me a whole week because I had to find information regarding all hosting websites and listen to professional advice to choose which one would fit me more and in the end I decided to go for Hostinger. Once I bought my domain and hosting then I started thinking on what my personal logo should look like.
I am a simple, conservative, classic, minimalistic person that believes in black-and-white thinking. In other words, I very rarely believe in middle ground positions because balance is not achievable. As you can see, the website logo reflects perfectly my personality. As a little detail, since I like video games I used a very special font related to them. If you are a true video game fan, you should be able to recognize it.
Then comes one of the most important steps which is choosing a theme and template for your WordPress site. I ended up choosing as a theme GeneratePress for its speed and simple looks, and for the template I went for a cyber security one from Envato Elements that I would modify to fit my needs.
Finally, I started working on the wesbite till I finished it after around 1 month of work.