No time limit, no pressure. Bomb Defuser is a video game where with the help of your partner and the power of teamwork, you need to defuse a bomb by exchanging information between each other.
- Language: English
- Number of players: Minimum of 2 players
- Release date: December 12, 2019
- Development time: 1 Month
- Tools: Visual Studio Code
- Authors:
- Oriol Serrabassa
- Andreu Bermúdez
- Ramon Vilardell
- Goal: Disable the bomb with the help of your partner
- Target: +16 years old who have good logic capabilities
Additional information
This project is basically a simplified version of Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes where we always have 6 bomb modules and each one is randomly generated in each new game we start. We also added the option to skip 2 modules as a necessity in case the players get stuck and cannot proceed anymore.
A millitary appearance was given to Bomb Defuser to make it look like a simulation of a real bomb defusal situation. In addition, we added some music from a popular video game that fit the theme perfectly. As a little easter egg, if you have played the game, you will probably have noticed that the names of the millitary troops are in fact the names of the authors and their respective rank is based on their contribution to the project.
The controls of the game are very weird because we had to use the inputs Makey-Makey can manage since it controlled the real bomb so if you do not like the default controls, download the project and change them yourself. You can find and customize the keys used in the detect_input() function for each class or module. The list of the current controls is the following:
- F & G: directs the Morse code module at the top left
- Arrow keys: governs the Simon at the top middle
- WASD: rules the cable section at the top right
- Left and right click: supervises the lock at the bottom right
- Mouse movement: interacts with the labyrinth at the bottom middle
- Spacebar: handles the button module at the bottom right
- 1 to 6: regulates the mechanic of skipping puzzles
- Download Bomb Defuser
- Download and install Visual Studio Code
- Open the project in Visual Studio Code
- Right click folder project
- Open with Code
- Open index.html
- Go to Extensions from the left sidebar on Visual Studio Code
- Search Live Server and install first result available
- Reload Visual Studio Code if necessary
- Click on Go Live located at the bottom right corner
- Game should open on the default browser
It is important to know that it is essential you read the Bomb Defusing for DUMMIES which is the bomb defuse manual. Also, keep in mind that this is not a singleplayer game. In an ideal situation at least 2 players where one acts as the defuser and the other as the helper.
Even if you do not have the real bomb, you might still be able to play the game if you review the code and note down what each key does. Feel free to modify anything in the project if you need to play without the physical bomb.

Bomb Defuser.zip (8 MB)
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This is the only video we own of the project so even if you do not understand what is really happening since the people on the video are speaking Catalan, we are still adding it since it might be helpful in some way.