Adventurer IRL

Adventurer IRL
Adventurer IRL – Cover


A healthy video game that involves physical activity. Adventurer IRL is a friendly game targeted for younger audiences for them to be able to play video games while doing physical activity and stay in a healthy condition.

  • Language: English
  • Public website: No
  • Number of players: 1 Player
  • Release date: January 31, 2020
  • Development time: 2 Weeks
  • Tools: Visual Studio Code, XAMPP
  • Authors:
    • Oriol Serrabassa
    • Andreu Bermúdez
    • Ramon Vilardell
  • Game goal: Run and reach the goal before the time runs out meanwhile you are dodging monsters
  • Website purpose: Provide an interface to play the game plus a custom song selection thanks to PHP and XAMPP
  • Controls:
    • Attack: F
    • Slide: S
    • Run: Alternate between A and D
    • Jump: Do not press both A and D

Additional information

The game is unplayable at its current state as it requires a special setup that you can check up in the video at the bottom of the page and it also needs special hardware which are a Makey-Makey and a nanoKONTROL2. However, if you are interested and have the programming skills you could make it playable again since I am not going to bother with it. The only file you should modify is sketch.js and all the nanoKONTROL2 inputs are controlled in functions that are always called …MidiInputs().

Adventurer IRL includes a custom song selection where you can add your own songs as long as you follow the guidelines stated in the instructions of the project.


It is highly recommended that you read the instructions included in the project. They are in Catalan but you can use an online translator service and you will still get the general idea about they say.

  1. Download Adventurer IRL
  2. Download and install XAMPP
  3. Go to XAMPP’s installation location
  4. Search for a folder named htdocs
  5. Create a folder and put all the content of the folder inside it
  6. Cut the project folder and paste it in htdocs
  7. Open XAMPP and start Apache module
  8. Go to http://localhost/
  9. Select Adventurer IRL

Remember to stop Apache module when you finish.


Adventurer (38 MB)


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