Harry Potter API

Harry Potter API
Harry Potter API – Cover


Not to be confused with the real one. This Harry Potter API in particular, was originally a Stackblitz project that ended up as a multiplatform application.

  • Language: English
  • Public website: Yes
  • Release date: March 3, 2020
  • Development time: 2 Months
  • Tools: StackBlitz, Visual Studio Code, Cordova, Electron
  • Authors:
    • Oriol Serrabassa
    • Vandame Hrustic
  • Operating systems: Android
  • Website purpose: Easier to work on an online project rather than on a local project

Additional information

My first multiplatform app. This project was divided in 6 phases where in each one we would add new functionalities and expand the project further. The first 5 parts use StackBlitz but for the last part of the project, we decided to make it multiplatform. To do so, we had to convert our online project to a local one making some configurations. Then, we used Cordova and Electron to create the respective executable files for each operating system.

I enjoyed developing this project, specifically the Angular part using StackBlitz. However, I really disliked the part of configuring and creating the executables using Cordova and Electron because it was a very complex process. It would probably had been easier if the project had been a local one to begin since in that case, we would have not need to do the conversion but it does not matter now that everything has been done.

This is also my first project that uses an API (Application Programming Interface) which in easy words is an interface for two pieces of software or objects to communicate with each other. An API can be used for lots of diferents uses but the most common one is to provide ways for other websites and tools to consume each other’s data and extend their services and this is exactly what this project does. The API that we used is obviously the one we linked on the beginning. In order to use it, you require a key that you get once you register. So in the project if you take a look, you will see that there is a program that has that key and that is essential for the app to work. Furthermore, the API web has a page explaining how to use it.


I cannot provide instructions on how to use the project folder itself because the process is very dependant on your computer.


Harry Potter API

Harry Potter API.zip (1.1 GB)


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This time, I will post a simple video testing the app on all the operating systems. In general, if you look at the videos, you will see that there are some differences between each one. The reason for this is that when making a native application some things will need to be modified for them to be used in said operating system. Therefore knowing this, the official look that the app should have is the one in the final version of the StackBlitz part since this is the platform we developed the project with.






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