Let me give you a warm welcome and also a thank you for visiting my website. Hope you enjoy your stay.
A bit later of my birthday, as promised in the first blog post, but I have finally completed my website. After roughly 2 weeks of work, I am making this post to celebrate the official opening of the website. Today is a day I am surely to remember for life.
Even if this is not one of my most complex or proud projects that I have developed. This project is way different than what I have done so far. Until now, all my projects were private. However, this project is public and mostly everyone in the world can visit this website.
When I finish such important projects like this one. Most people would like to party and celebrate it with other people or friends. Although, me as an introvert who obviously dislikes parties, something as simple as people praising my work is satisfying enough. One of the most rewarding ways I have found to do that even if it is fake or lame is watching the following video which I find very wholesome and fullfilling. If it is legal and makes you feel happy why care about other people’s opinions?
Side note: I have never watched Evangelion but I have always heard good reviews about it. So, if you like anime you should probably give it a try.
Lastly, now that the website is completed. I want to mention that I am still not done. I will keep up updating it whenever I can add. As I want my website to become more important and more relevant. This is not the end!
Welcome to my website!