This post is simply an introduction explaining the blog’s goals and purpose.
Before saying anything else, first I want to say that this blog will mostly be in informal language because I feel way more comfortable writing on it and also it comes to me naturally. Of course, if the situation requires, I will obviously adapt a formal language. However, the majority of the blog’s content will use informal language. That said, let’s continue with the rest of this blog post.
Basically, in this blog I will write about personal events that I find interesting or will be beneficial to publish. The blog updates will probably be rare so expect to have a new post every month or more.
I will mainly post about new projects I am working on or if something special happens in my life or catches my attention. Depending on my mood, I might even post about things I enjoy such as philosophy, games or other topics. Let me already warn you and state that I may have controversional and unpopular opinions on certain topics. If you wonder why I would make a post in this website rather than a post in a social media, you should know that I really dislike social media and additionally hate how toxic it is and how much attention it draws.
To sum up, the current blog’s purpose is to leave evidence of imporant or interesting personal events. Depending on the success of this website I might add new functionalities to this blog as I feel like. A proper post will be done if this happens but it will probably take a few years if it really occurs.
As a certain saying says, time will tell.