I officially started working on my personal website on the 10th of October and 2 months later here I am. After very arduous work and lots of spent hours in this project, I am very proud of my website.
Over the month of October, I made all the content and the foundation of this website. Meanwhile during November, I kept tweaking lots of things. I added new functionalities, upgraded the security of my domain and changed the overall looks and style of the web.
oriolserrabassa.com has 2 main goals. The first one is a short term goal and the one that I am pursuing right now. It is so companies can easily get in touch with me, evaluate my skills and learn more about me. I really needed a website to show some of my works and projects. Otherwise, I am quite sure I would not be able to find a company to do an internship with, because of the current situation with COVID-19 and how the economy is rapidly dropping at least here in Spain.
The second goal is a long term one. Once I am popular and successful, I can use this domain to keep updating about what I do and how are things going. I talked briefly about all this in my Purpose of this blog post. If everything goes smoothly and as expected, I believe that in 10 or 20 years I should reach this point.
Now that I have finished the core of this website, the blog activity is going to drop considerably. Originally, the blog updates should be once or two a month. Of course, these 2 months have been an exception because I needed to create the whole website content. However, everything will now return to normal as it was supposed to be in the first place.
Since you will not be probably seeing me anymore for the remaining of this year, I wish you a very early happy holidays. I hope that 2021 becomes a better year than 2020 for everyone.