Casual and chill game with tropical environment. Paradise Escape is a video game where you traverse grasslands full of obstacles that you have to try and dodge.
- Language: English
- Number of players: 1 Player
- Release date: October 27, 2019
- Development time: 2 Weeks
- Game engine: Unity
- Author: Oriol Serrabassa
- Controls:
- Movement: Left and right arrows or A and D
- Jump: Up arrow or W
- Slide: Down arrow or S
- Goal: Reach the furthest away possible while avoiding obstacles and collecting rare ancient coins
Additional information
As my first 3D video game in Unity, I was inspired to create something similar to the famous Temple Run and the original idea was to create a replica but changing the theme from going to jungles, ruins or ancient temples to a tropical and relaxing environment. One of the features that was removed from the game due to being too difficult for the amount of time available was to make multiple paths for the player to take but in the end it was too complex and the simplistic but effective idea to use a straight path was applied.
My project idea was actually very different from what the final product looks like and this is because I had to adapt to what I could find in the Unity Asset Store. That is the reason why I went for a tropical look because of the assets. I am still very proud of the ending result of the project even if it is a really simple 3D video game. Now that the project has been finished, I believe that the theme and the characters merge along really well and therefore fit properly.
In the assets, when you download the bigger project file, there is a PDF file that acts like a development diary. In the event that you decide to read it, you learn more about how I decided to organize the project and deal with the problems and harships I found during all the development. Basically, you can get an overall idea of how I work by myself and how I adapted the project and all the decisions I had to take.
If you simply want to play the game, just download the assets and you will find and executable file for Windows and Mac unless you also want to check the project itself which in this case you will need to follow the instructions below.
- Download Paradise Escape and then download and install Unity Hub
- Go to https://unity3d.com/get-unity/download/archive
- Find Unity 2018.3.6 and then click on Unity Hub
- Complete the installation process
- Change to the Projects section on the left sidebar
- Click Add and select the folder inside of the project
- Finally, open the project
Now you can do anything with my project. For example, you can create a Linux build in case you need one, you can check my styling code or see the file infrastructure that I used when making developing the game. In fact, if you have any knowledge about Unity or coding, you can even manage to improve my video game. Since with most of my projects I am not going to use them anymore, feel free to do however you please as long as I cannot get in any legal trouble.

Paradise Escape.zip (178 MB)
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Apologies but the video does not have audio so it is muted.