University and degree
After 4 long years or 5 depending on when we start counting from, I finally finished university. I ended this last university year on the 21st of June and yesterday I received my remaining final marks. It is time to brag about my achievements even more when I am an excellent and diligent student.
So officially, I graduated from university with honours and now I own a degree in Multimedia, Applications and Video games. Graduating with honours refers to have great overall marks, with an average score of 9,065 out of 10 in my case. Besides, I got perfect marks on 4 different subjects which is quite a hard feat. Here is my European Diploma Supplement (EDS).
My university timeline got heavily affected by the pandemic but I managed to pull through. Somehow, this year and the last one is where I got my best marks. Not sure if it was because I was able to work from home and did not need to go physically to the university or due to the professors evaluating with more consideration regarding the current situation. Probably a combination of both but in no ways I lowered my own efforts. I kept working as usual plus the pandemic did not bother introverts at all since we love staying at home. This is similar to what I also said in the About me section at the age 22.
As most introverts, I do not enjoy social interactions usually so I did not have much interaction with my classmates. Though, I did of course, speak and help them when needed. Introverts prefer avoiding social interaction if possible and if we must, we try and do it with a smaller group. But this does not mean that we are shy!
Plans for the future
Now after graduation, here in Spain is the beginning of the summer. I am going to try a find a full-time job before the end of August. Hopefully, I expect to get a job about video game development or programming but it will prove to be quite hard and usually I have quite the bad luck. However, if this does not turn to be the case, I will have to opt out for programming jobs. Either related to websites or applications (web, phone, operating system…). I might have got a degree in Multimedia, Applications and Video game but I really dislike multimedia and all that stuff related to video and image edition.
It is time to begin my job hunting on the Internet and on LinkedIn.